jueves, 26 de enero de 2012

Listening to instructions

This is an exercise I’ve prepared for my 5th year primary class. It’s a listening exercise using "voice-thread" to review directions. You can use a far simpler version without directions just using the numbers of the squares to work listening for numbers (2nd -4th year primary). Here as I’m working with 5th year, we’re making it more complex and they have to follow directions from the black reference square.

If you click on the image it will take you to the voicethread exercise

We’ve done similar exercises in class so the students are used to this kind of exercise. Once you have the grid, you can record lots of different instructions, making it simpler or more difficult as you require.

Each student has a copy of the grid and a link to the voice-thread so that they can listen to the instructions. They know to pause the listening exercise as often as they want and they can listen as often as they want. The students have to follow the instructions, drawing or writing the correct things in the corresponding boxes.

They love it!

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